General Information about MCSATTENDANCE and SCHOOL HOURS:
Children arrive between 8.30am -8.50am. (Please make arrangements with your child’s class teacher if occasionally children need to arrive earlier than 8.30am. Children will remain inside until 8.30am). SKIDS is a child care programme that can assist with MCS students from 7.30am - 8.30am in the school hall for $10 per hour or $5 per half-hour. Please see the website : SKIDS Holy Cross 9.00 am First bell: children go to class 10.30 am Morning tea eating bell 10.40 am - 11.00 am Morning tea playtime 12.40 pm Lunchtime eating bell 12.50 pm - 1.30 pm Lunchtime playtime 3.00 pm End of school No children are to leave the school grounds before the 3.00pm bell without notifying the school office. All children must be collected from the office, if leaving during school operational hours. Parents/caregivers must sign the Vistab tablet in the school office before leaving the grounds. CHANGE OF ADDRESS OR PHONE NUMBERS: Please notify any changes of address, phone numbers or emergency contacts in case we need to contact you urgently or in an emergency. MEDICATION: For health and safety reasons children are not allowed to administer medication. Should your child be on a course of medication for any reason please contact the school office. There is a form that gives us precise details and your consent to give the medication prescribed. SCHOOL BOARD: The governing body of our school ‘The Board’ meets monthly at 7pm usually on the third Tuesday of the month in the staffroom. Parents/caregivers are welcome to attend these meetings. The Board will keep you informed via the school newsletter and welcomes feedback from the school community. For further information, refer to the Board of Trustees page. CHILD PROTECTION: Our school is committed to the prevention of child abuse. Any cases of suspected or disclosed abuse will be acted on in accordance with our policy and procedures. Copies can be viewed at the school office on request. COMMUNICATION: All written communication will come directly to you via seesaw, email or our website. Please make sure that we have an up to date email address for you. If you are unable to receive emails or view our website please let Jane in the office know, so that we can give you a copy of any communications. This will include: Newsletters, Sports events, Performing arts events, Trips, Medical forms and Notifications and updates. CLASS HELPERS: It can be very crowded in the classrooms if several parents stay in the mornings and arrive early before school finishes. It would be most helpful if parents could wait patiently outside the classrooms. INTERVIEWS WITH TEACHERS: Parents/caregivers are always welcome to discuss issues relating to children with teachers. Teachers are in available for ‘check in’ conversations at 8:30-8:50am and 3:00-3:15pm. If you wish to speak at length with a teacher, please make an appointment so that the teacher can organise to spend some time with you without interruption. Please email your child’s class teacher - emails on the school website. There are formal 3 way conferences scheduled during the year. LIBRARY: Each class has a regular school library and termly Miramar Library visit. Please ask the classroom teacher when this is. Children need to have a bag to carry their books in. If a book gets damaged please do not repair it at home, we have special tapes for these repairs. We appreciate the replacement of any lost books. We always need help with mending books or putting books away, please contact the class teacher or ring the school office to volunteer. Thank you. MUSIC: There can be a lot of benefits to learning a musical instrument. We have music tutors that visit the school during class time to offer either group/individual lessons. Instruments can be hired through the musical tutor. For any further information or to organise a lesson please email Jane Scadden ([email protected]) LUNCH: The eating of lunch is supervised. Unwanted food will stay in lunch boxes and be returned home. Please supply your child with a healthy lunch. Water preferred. No fizzy/energy drinks, lollies etc. as part of our healthy eating policy. MONEY: Please send any money needed at school in an envelope with your child’s name and what the money is for, written on the outside. Unless otherwise stated, this should go to the class teacher. PROPERTY: LOST PROPERTY: This is kept in the school hall. Please name all clothing and shoes. At the end of each term any unclaimed property is donated to charity. VALUABLES/TOYS/SWAP CARDS/MOBILE PHONES: Please do not let your child bring these to school. If a mobile phone is needed, please hand it to the the school office during the school day for safe keeping. PROTECTION FROM THE WEATHER: Sunhats must be worn outside during terms 1 and 4 because of the dangers of the sun (Caps are not Sunhats). Bucket Hats with a school logo can be purchased from school for $17 each. Staff and parents are encouraged to be good role models by wearing broad brimmed hats at school. Footwear must be worn when playing outside. Please send your child to school dressed for the weather conditions. Sunscreen is provided by the school however, children with sunscreen allergies need to supply their own. ROAD PATROL HELPERS IN THE MORNING: We particularly need help with morning Road Patrol supervision. If you can spare one morning a week to assist please let us know. Staff and Road Patrol assessed Yr 5 / 6 students are involved at the crossing on Park Rd. STATIONERY: A limited amount of stationery is available for sale at the school office. Cash sales only please. SCHOOL GROUNDS: BICYCLES: Children in year 6 are allowed to ride their bikes to school on their own provided they have permission from their parents and the Principal. Safety gear must be worn and bikes are to be chained to the bars provided. Younger children riding bikes to school must be accompanied by their parents. CARS: Please do not drive into the school grounds unless you have permission to from the school office. Thank you. GATES: The gates are locked from 6pm weekdays and all weekends. Please ensure you do not park in front of the gates even if they are locked for emergency reasons. SKATEBOARDS/SKATES/SCOOTERS: Children are allowed to bring these to school. They must walk these through the school grounds and place in the scooter racks. Only during morning interval and lunch times can they be ridden in the school on the Para Street back driveway with the wearing of a helmet. Those who have scooters/skateboards should be the ones riding these for Health & Safety reasons. USE OF SCHOOL GROUNDS: School families are most welcome to use the school grounds after hours. We do though, from time to time have vandalism or graffiti. If you see anyone acting inappropriately in the school grounds please call the police on 111. Thank you. For the safety and well being of families and our tamariki DOGS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE SCHOOL GROUNDS. Nga mihi nui, Jackie Sutherland Principal |