Ko Jackie Sutherland ahau. I am the proud Tumuaki of Te Kura o Whataitai. I value the culture of teamwork and it is my priority to ensure all our tamariki are empowered to bring their best self forward, to learn and grow, be happy and active. I am a committed and experienced leader who is forward thinking, reflective, and continually strives for excellence. I am success oriented and my philosophy is that all learners should bring their best-self forward in all facets of school life. My future focussed pedagogy derives from a holistic approach and viewpoint of the learner at the core, and a strong growth mindset. I firmly believe creativity and innovation begins with the classroom; continually evolving and adapting to meet the needs of every learner and using whatever tools are necessary to ensure excellence and success for all. Tamariki is at the ‘heart’ of Miramar Central School. Aligning our Miramar Central Schools’ Vision - “Empowering our Learners” and combining our Values to underpin everything we do. Our learners’ will be enthusiastic, considerate, independent, connected, who are motivated to succeed in whatever they strive to achieve. I also firmly believe in the value of diversity and equitable outcomes for all. Miramar Central School learners learn in a tailored way that caters to individual needs in order to encompass academic success, social success, and physical and mental wellbeing. I have a strong team viewpoint and firmly believe the best approach to success is through collaboration with staff and community. Miramar Central School teachers are committed to the school and are quality practitioners. Our staffing team works hard to ensure every student’s well-being and success are at the forefront of what they do. It is important that teachers instil a sense of fun and passion in their tamariki so they become, like myself, passionate lifelong learners. Arohanui ♥️ |