From the Newsletter Rāpare 7 November 2024
People are parking either in the driveway or bus stop to drop and collect students on Park Road. Please do not use these spaces for that, please move further up the road to collect/drop off.
We need to keep everyone safe!
At our recent Board meeting we acknowledged our hard working FACE team (a parent group who drives the fundraising for our kura).
There are around 10 members who will be stepping down due to their child(ren) leaving us at the end of this year heading off to Intermediate, leaving only a few left.
Thank you Reena, Sam and Beth, Gordon and Miriam, Rochelle, Jane, Rebecca, Mel and Fritha.
This group have driven our school fair/food fair, discos, cookie dough, sausage sizzles, pizza lunches, colour run, and many, many other wonderful ways to generate fundraising (money) to buy things like upgrades to our playground (swings are coming soon), whole school outings, sporting equipment and uniforms, materials in the classrooms, funding whole school outings, etc.
Without this fabulous group working tirelessly behind the scenes we would not be able to afford to do any of these things, nor would we have these wonderful opportunities.
For example, the Fair (Cultural Food Fair as it has been in the past) has been our biggest fundraiser (going for 30 years) and unfortunately we don’t yet have anyone to drive it, or be part of the team to coordinate it, so it is possible that it won’t be able to go ahead for next year.
If you are interested in helping us out with fundraising by joining this team, please get in touch with either myself or any of our staff.
Reena Morar the teacher in Room 11 is the current FACE Chairperson who will be stepping down. We think it would be devastating to not have this team functioning next year.
People are parking either in the driveway or bus stop to drop and collect students on Park Road. Please do not use these spaces for that, please move further up the road to collect/drop off.
We need to keep everyone safe!
At our recent Board meeting we acknowledged our hard working FACE team (a parent group who drives the fundraising for our kura).
There are around 10 members who will be stepping down due to their child(ren) leaving us at the end of this year heading off to Intermediate, leaving only a few left.
Thank you Reena, Sam and Beth, Gordon and Miriam, Rochelle, Jane, Rebecca, Mel and Fritha.
This group have driven our school fair/food fair, discos, cookie dough, sausage sizzles, pizza lunches, colour run, and many, many other wonderful ways to generate fundraising (money) to buy things like upgrades to our playground (swings are coming soon), whole school outings, sporting equipment and uniforms, materials in the classrooms, funding whole school outings, etc.
Without this fabulous group working tirelessly behind the scenes we would not be able to afford to do any of these things, nor would we have these wonderful opportunities.
For example, the Fair (Cultural Food Fair as it has been in the past) has been our biggest fundraiser (going for 30 years) and unfortunately we don’t yet have anyone to drive it, or be part of the team to coordinate it, so it is possible that it won’t be able to go ahead for next year.
If you are interested in helping us out with fundraising by joining this team, please get in touch with either myself or any of our staff.
Reena Morar the teacher in Room 11 is the current FACE Chairperson who will be stepping down. We think it would be devastating to not have this team functioning next year.
Kia ora koutou katoa
Note from Jackie Sutherland
PE and Health consultation
The Board are currently in the process of getting a survey together but would like me to share what we currently do in this space already:
Year Plan 2024 for PE & Health
Each class does the bike track booking once per week all year. All classes follow PB4L, Zones of Regulation, Pause- Breathe-Smile, and Garden to table.
2024 Physical Education Plan:
Skills & Activity
Term 1
“My participation in activities influences my relationships with others”
Term 2
“My behaviour reflects my attitudes & my attitude shows my values”
Term 3
“Our culture tells us who we are”
Term 4
“Be the kind of leader you want to follow”
Student’s needs…
-Establish routine
-Get to know each other
-Feel part of the group etc
-Make connections with new students
Student’s needs…
-Connecting behaviours to values
-Give it your best and that’s what matters
-Setting personal goals
Student’s needs…
-Exploring your own culture
-Understanding and accepting differences
-Exploring different cultures
Student’s needs…
-Preparing for next year
-Stepping up as leaders
-Consolidating values
2024 Health:
Term 1: Movin March and Life Education
Term 2: (Hall out of action)
Term 3: PMP Year 0-3
Term 4: PMP Year 0-3 and Changes at Puberty for Year 5-6.
2024 Events:
Term 1: EZ Cricket and Softball
Term 2: Swimming and EZ Cross Country
Term 3: School football and School Olympics
Term 4 EZ Athletics and EOTC week + Pedal Ready
The purpose of the health consultation process is to:
- inform the school community about the content of the health curriculum
- ascertain the wishes of the school community regarding the way in which the health curriculum should be implemented, given the views, beliefs, and customs of the members of that community
- determine, in broad terms, the health education needs of the students.
What is health and physical education about? In essence “A positive feeling in your heart will enhance your sense of self-worth.” The focus is on the well-being of the students themselves, of other people, and of society through learning in health-related and movement contexts.
The four underlying concepts are:
- Hauora – a Māori philosophy of well-being that includes the dimensions taha wairua, taha hinengaro, taha tinana, and taha whānau, each one influencing and supporting the others.
- Attitudes and values – a positive, responsible attitude on the part of students to their own well-being; respect, care, and concern for other people and the environment; and a sense of social justice.
- The socio-ecological perspective – a way of viewing and understanding the interrelationships that exist between the individual, others, and society.
- Health promotion – a process that helps to develop and maintain supportive physical and emotional environments and that involves students in personal and collective action.
More information can be found here link.
Keep an eye out for the survey which will be coming your way soon. We would really love to know your thoughts about where you wish us to head in terms of implementing this curriculum in the next two years.
Term dates for 2024:
● Term 1: 1 February (Thursday) to 12 April
○ Including:
○ Waitangi Day (6 February)
○ Good Friday (29 March)
○ Easter Monday (1 April)
○ Easter Tuesday (2 April)
● Term 2: 29 April to 5 July
○ Including:
○ King’s Birthday Monday (3 June)
○ Staff Only Day (4 June)
○ Matariki Friday (28 June)
● Term 3: 22 July to 27 September
○ 3 way conferences 23+24 July
● Term 4: 14 October to 17 December
○ Including:
○ Labour Day Monday (28 October)
○ Staff Only Day (29 October)
School Assemblies are held every even week from 2.15pm on Mondays.
You are most welcome to attend any assembly, we would love to see you there. |
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